Professor Emilia Del Bono

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2N2.6.12, Colchester Campus
Emilia Del Bono is a Professor of Economics at the Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex. Her research agenda is focused on the nature, causes, and consequences of disparities in children’s human capital that lead to inequalities later on in life. As of March 2020 she is the Director of the ESRC-funded Centre for Micro Social Change (MiSoC). MiSoC is a multidisciplinary centre, promoting collaboration between economists, sociologists and other social scientists, and using quantitative social science to provide evidence with which to address key societal challenges. MiSoC has been based at ISER at the University of Essex since 1989. MiSoC's programme of work for the 2019-2024 cycle investigates how individuals and families are responding to the challenge of the world’s need for a creative, adaptable labour force - with higher levels of education and a greater reliance on social skills. It will also explore demographic changes: including new family structures, changing gender roles, an ageing population and growing diversity from migration. Emilia is also continuing to work on the ESRC-funded project Inequality in Higher Education Outcomes in the UK, which features a large longitudinal study of higher university students started in 2015.
PhD in Economics University of Oxford, (2004)
MPhil in Economics University of Oxford, (1999)
B.A. in Economics and Banking University of Siena, (1997)
University of Essex
Professor of Economics, Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex (1/10/2014 - present)
Reader, Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex (10/2012 - 9/2014)
Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex (10/2011 - 9/2012)
Research Fellow, Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex (10/2008 - 9/2011)
Senior Research Officer, Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex (11/2005 - 9/2008)
Other academic
Visiting Scholar, Department of Economics, University of California, Berkeley (8/2004 - 10/2005)
Junior Research Fellow, Queen's College, University of Oxford (9/2002 - 7/2004)
Teaching and supervision
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Economics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 10/6/2022

Degree subject: Economics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 29/11/2021

Degree subject: Economics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 4/8/2021

Degree subject: Economics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 18/11/2020

Degree subject: Applied Social and Economic Research
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 31/7/2020

Degree subject: Applied Social and Economic Research
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 26/10/2017

Degree subject: Economics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 5/7/2017

Degree subject: Economics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 11/2/2015

Degree subject: Economics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 22/8/2014
Journal articles (24)
Del Bono, E. and Pronzato, CD., (2024). Does breastfeeding support at work help mothers, children, and employers at the same time?. Journal of Demographic Economics. 90 (1), 88-115
Blanden, J., Del Bono, E., Hansen, K. and Rabe, B., (2022). Quantity and quality of childcare and children’s educational outcomes. Journal of Population Economics. 35 (2), 785-828
Del Bono, E. and Morando, G., (2022). For some, luck matters more: the impact of the great recession on the early careers of graduates from different socio-economic backgrounds. Oxford Economic Papers. 74 (3), 869-893
Del Bono, E., Kinsler, J. and Pavan, R., (2022). Identification of dynamic latent factor models of skill formation with translog production. Journal of Applied Econometrics. 37 (6), 1256-1265
Delavande, A., Del Bono, E. and Holford, A., (2022). Academic and non-Academic Investments at University: the Role of Expectations, Preferences and Constraints. Journal of Econometrics. 231 (1), 74-97
Del Bono, E. and Vuri, D., (2018). Smoking behaviour and individual well-being: a fresh look at the effects of the 2005 public smoking ban in Italy. Oxford Economic Papers. 70 (3), 741-762
Clark, D. and Del Bono, E., (2016). The Long-Run Effects of Attending an Elite School: Evidence from the United Kingdom. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics. 8 (1), 150-176
Del Bono, E., Francesconi, M., Kelly, Y. and Sacker, A., (2016). Early Maternal Time Investment and Early Child Outcomes. The Economic Journal. 126 (596), F96-F135
Blanden, J., Del Bono, E., McNally, S. and Rabe, B., (2016). Universal Pre-school Education: The Case of Public Funding with Private Provision. Economic Journal. 126 (592), 682-723
Bono, ED., Weber, A. and Winter-Ebmer, R., (2015). Fertility and economic instability: the role of unemployment and job displacement. Journal of Population Economics. 28 (2), 463-478
del Bono, E., Francesconi, M., Kelly, Y. and Sacker, A., (2015). Early Maternal Time Investment and Early Child Outcomes
Bono, ED., Grünberger, K. and Vuri, D., (2014). Seasonality in Smoking Behaviour: Re-Evaluating the Effects of the 2005 Public Smoking Ban in Italy. CESifo Working Paper Series (5083)
Del Bono, E., Grünberger, K. and Vuri, D., (2013). Seasonality in Smoking Behaviour: Re-evaluating the Effects of the 2005 Public Smoking Ban in Italy. CEIS Working Paper (295)
Del Bono, E., Ermisch, J. and Francesconi, M., (2012). Intrafamily Resource Allocations: A Dynamic Structural Model of Birth Weight. Journal of Labor Economics. 30 (3), 657-706
Del Bono, E., Weber, A. and Winter-Ebmer, R., (2012). CLASH OF CAREER AND FAMILY: FERTILITY DECISIONS AFTER JOB DISPLACEMENT. Journal of the European Economic Association. 10 (4), 659-683
Kelly, Y., Sacker, A., Del Bono, E., Francesconi, M. and Marmot, M., (2011). What role for the home learning environment and parenting in reducing the socioeconomic gradient in child development? Findings from the Millennium Cohort Study. Archives of Disease in Childhood. 96 (9), 832-837
Del Bono, E. and Vuri, D., (2011). Job mobility and the gender wage gap in Italy. Labour Economics. 18 (1), 130-142
Del Bono, E., Sala, E. and Hancock, R., (2009). Older carers in the UK: are there really gender differences? New analysis of the Individual Sample of Anonymised Records from the 2001 UK Census. Health & Social Care in the Community. 17 (3), 267-273
Del Bono, E. and Weber, A., (2008). Do Wages Compensate for Anticipated Working Time Restrictions? Evidence from Seasonal Employment in Austria. Journal of Labor Economics. 26 (1), 181-221
Del Bono, E., Weber, A. and Winter-Ebmer, R., (2008). Clash of Career and Family. Fertility Decisions after Job Displacement. CESifo Working Paper Series (2180)
Del Bono, E. and Vuri, D., (2006). Is It the Way She Moves? New Evidence on the Gender Wage Growth Gap in the Early Careers of Men and Women in Italy. IZA Discussion Paper (2523)
Bratti, M., Bono, ED. and Vuri, D., (2005). New Mothers’ Labour Force Participation in Italy: The Role of Job Characteristics. LABOUR. 19 (s1), 79-121
Del Bono, E., (2004). Pre-Marital Fertility and Labour Market Opportunities: Evidence from the 1970 British Cohort Study
Del Bono, E. and Galindo-Rueda, F., (2004). Do a Few Months of Compulsory Schooling Matter? The Education and Labour Market Impact of School Leaving Rules
Book chapters (2)
Ermisch, J. and Del Bono, E., (2012). Inequality in achievements during adolescence. In: From parents to children: the intergenerational transmission of advantage. Editors: Ermisch, J., J�ntti, M. and Smeeding, TM., . Russell Sage Foundation. 978-0-87154-045-4
Bono, ED., (2008). Early labour market experience and the timing of family formation. In: Changing Relationships. 180- 201
Reports and Papers (5)
Del Bono, E., Grunberger, K. and Vuri, D., Seasonality in smoking behaviour: re-evaluating the effects of the 2005 public smoking ban in Italy
Del Bono, E., Ermisch, J. and Francesconi, M., Intrafamily resource allocations: a dynamic model of birth weight
Del Bono, E. and Ermisch, J., Birth weight and the dynamics of early cognitive and behavioural development
Del Bono, E., Francesconi, M., Kelly, Y. and Sacker, A., (2014). Early Maternal Time Investment and Early Child Outcomes
Bratti, M., Bono, ED. and Vuri, D., (2004). New Mothers' Labour Force Participation in Italy: The Role of Job Characteristics
Scholarly Editions (20)
Bryan, ML., Del Bono, E. and Pudney, S., Drug-related crime
Del Bono, E., Francesconi, M. and Best, NG., Health information and health outcomes: an application of the regression discontinuity design to the 1995 UK contraceptive pill scare case
Del Bono, E. and Galindo-Rueda, F., The long term impacts of compulsory schooling: evidence from a natural experiment in school leaving dates
Clark, D. and Del Bono, E., The long-run effects of attending an elite school: evidence from the UK
Del Bono, E. and Rabe, B., Breastfeeding and child cognitive outcomes: evidence from a hospital-based breastfeeding support policy
Del Bono, E. and Vuri, D., Is it the way she moves? New evidence on the gender wage growth gap in the early careers
Del Bono, E. and Galindo-Rueda, F., The long term impacts of compulsory schooling: evidence from a natural experiment in school leaving dates
Del Bono, E. and Weber, A., Do wages compensate for anticipated working time restrictions? Evidence from seasonal employment in Austria
Del Bono, E., Sala, E., Hancock, R., Gunnell, C. and Parisi, L., Gender, older people and social exclusion: a gendered review and secondary analysis of the data
Del Bono, E., Weber, A. and Winter-Ebmer, R., Clash of Career and Family: Fertility Decisions after Job Displacement
Del Bono, E., Weber, A. and Winter-Ebmer, R., Clash of Career and Family - Fertility Decisions after Job Displacement
del Bono, E., Ermisch, JF. and Francesconi, M., Intrafamily Resource Allocations: A Dynamic Model of Birth Weight
del Bono, E., Weber, A. and Winter-Ebmer, R., Clash of Career and Family: Fertility Decisions after Job Displacement
Del Bono, E. and Ermisch, J., Birth Weight and the Dynamics of Early Cognitive and Behavioural Development
del Bono, E. and Francesconi, M., Early Maternal Time Investment and Early Child Outcomes
Blanden, J., Del Bono, E., Hansen, K. and Rabe, B., The Impact of Free Early Childhood Education and Care on Educational Achievement: a Discontinuity Approach Investigating Both Quantity and Quality of Provision
Del Bono, E., Francesconi, M., Kelly, Y. and Sacker, A., (2013). Understanding the SES Gradient in Early Child Development: Maternal Work, Home Learning, and Child Care Decisions
Del Bono, E., Francesconi, M. and Best, N., (2011). Health Information and Health Outcomes: An Application of the Regression Discontinuity Design to the 1995 UK Contraceptive Pill Scare Case
Del Bono, E. and Vuri, D., (2008). Job mobility and the gender wage gap
Del Bono, E., Weber, AM. and Winter-Ebmer, R., (2008). Clash of Career and Family - Fertility Decisions after Job Displacement
Grants and funding
ESRC Research Centre on Micro-Social Change
Economic and Social Research Council
Mind the Gap: Educational Inequalities during Covid-19
Economic and Social Research Council
The Research Centre on Micro-Social Change (MiSoC)
Economic and Social Research Council
The Research Centre on Micro-Social Change (MiSoC)
Economic and Social Research Council
The Research Centre on Micro-Social Change (MiSoC)
Economic and Social Research Council
Estimating the Technology of Skill Formation and Maternal Well-Being
National Science Foundation
Reducing socio-economic inequalities in HE participation: the role of information, peers and mindset
Office for Students
Inequality in Higher Education Outcomes in the UK: Subjective expectations, preferences, and access
Economic & Social Research Council
The Research Centre for Micro-Social Change (MiSoC)
Economic & Social Research Council
Social Mobility Indicators
BIS Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
The Effect of Free Childcare on Maternal Labour Supply and Child Development
Economic & Social Research Council
Two Innovations in Drug Policy
Open Society Institute
Maternal smoking and low birth weight. Comparative evidence from the smoking bans in Italy and the UK
The British Academy
Understanding Society Social Mobility Indicators
BIS Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
Effects of Breastfeeding
Economic & Social Research Council
Inequality in achievements during adolescence
Sutton Trust